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Parent Service Hours

Parents are the primary educators of their children and fully share in the teaching of Catholic values. HSPS Development Work Incentive Program’s primary purpose is to actively involve parents in the education of their children. In recognition that circumstances may impinge on a family’s ability to complete their work incentive hours, any parents with extenuating circumstances are strongly encouraged to contact the principal.

The Service Hours Program is based on the following principles:

  • Each family is required to contribute a minimum of 30 service hours per year (at least 15 hours must be at a designated event). Families not meeting this requirement will be bill $35 for each missed event hour, and $25 for each missed general service hour.
  • Each family is required to purchase $2000 worth of SCRIP each year. This can be done by using credit cards registered with eScrip, by using a registered Nugget card or by purchasing special order gift cards. Parents may choose to pay $500 to the SCRIP program in lieu of purchasing SCRIP.

How to Track Volunteer Hours:

Volunteer hours are tracked on the FACTS website under the Family Portal. Each volunteer is responsible for entering their hours. Event chairs will verify.

Parent Work Incentive Program FAQ